Ministries > Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade)

Weekly Schedule (during the school year)

Sunday School: 
10-10:45am – Middle School (6th-8th) in the YAC
10-10:45am – High School (9th-12th) in Upchurch 3

Sunday Nights: 
5-6:30pm in the YAC

Wednesday Nights:
6-7:00pm in the YAC

Small Groups: 

High School Girls Monday Night @ 6pm
High School Boys Monday Night @ 6pm

For more specifics on scheduling, view the calendar below!

Upcoming Events

Disciple Now is an ecumenical student ministry weekend that many churches in our community participate in. Each church is responsible for their own students, small group leaders, and host homes; however, all the churches come together for corporate worship. Students are dropped off at the church on Friday evening and spend the whole weekend with the youth group.

Our students will be placed in small groups according to age and gender. Each small group will have an adult/college-age group leader, and will stay together at a church member host home each night.

Students need to stay the whole weekend.

Students may NOT drive their own cars to their Host Homes. Vehicles must remain parked at TFMC.

A $60 registration fee will cover t-shirt, curriculum, worship band, guest speaker, etc.

Click to Register for DNOW
In the Methodist tradition, students in 6th grade (and older) can choose to become full members of the church. To help students make an informed decision, the church offers a yearly Confirmation class that works through the fundamentals of the Christian faith, what it means to be a Methodist, and what it means to be a member of the church.

This year’s Confirmation class will meet on Sunday mornings during Sunday School beginning Sunday, March 2. HOWEVER, we want to start the Confirmation process by taking our Confirmands on a weekend retreat February 21-23 at Epworth by the Sea.

This class/retreat is open to 6th graders, but older students who haven’t been confirmed are welcome to participate.

All volunteers and staff wishing to work with our young people are required to understand and comply with our MINISTRY SAFE policies.  All training and documentation will be available here soon.

Want to be updated on what’s happening?

Medical Release Form
Please fill out and turn in this Medical Release Form if you’re interested in joining any upcoming events and haven’t already done so. 
Youth Calendar