Worship Arts Interest Form

Click here to fill out our Worship Arts Interest Form and discern, based on your skills, interests, and availability, you might get involved with Worship Arts Ministries on Sunday mornings at TFMC! “If you have a calling, you will have a place.” Director of Worship Arts Tim Peck will get in touch with you to … more »

Join the Global Methodists?

On Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 5pm in the Fellowship Building church members will vote on whether Thomasville First should become a Global Methodist Congregation. Want to know more? Check out this page!

Live Streaming Services

Beginning June 28, you can watch each of our services live on YouTube!  Sunday Schedule: 8:45am – Contemporary 11:00am – Traditional Services will be archived on YouTube as well for viewing at your convenience.


Our worship services are in need of audio volunteers to help once or twice a month on Sunday mornings*. With the same new console now installed in both spaces, now is the best time to learn how!  Tim Peck will hold a Training Workshop on Saturday, September 14 from 9am-11am to teach basic sound operation … more »


We’d like to encourage you to remember the Thomas County Food Bank on the 4th Sunday of each month. Feel free to give monetary donations during the offering or bring non-expired, canned goods and put them into the box labeled “Food Bank” under the stairs in the fellowship building.


Did you know that we have a casserole ministry that delivers home-cooked meals to those who could use some encouragement (illness, surgery, new birth, death, etc.)?  This ministry does not work however, if we are unaware of those  who could benefit from receiving a meal.  If you know of a church member or regular attender … more »

Traditional Service Sound Operators NEEDED

We are in search of up to 2 volunteers willing to learn to operate the sound console for the Traditional Service. No specific audio experience required, just a cheerful approach to service and willingness to learn simple steps to make the service run smoothly. Once trained, will be asked to serve on one particular Sunday … more »

TFUMC Messaging Service

If you would like to be added to a text messaging service (Remind) that will be used for important messages from the church, please use your mobile phone to text the message @425nb to the number 81010. The Youth and Children’s Ministries have their own Remind numbers. Please sign up for those that are helpful … more »