Worship Arts Volunteer Interest Form

Greetings! This form is designed to help discern how you might serve in Worship Arts Ministries at Thomasville First Methodist Church. Our mantra, “if you have a calling, you will have a place.” Please fill out this form to indicate your skills, availability, and interests. Some areas of service include (but are not limited to):
– Welcome Team/Ushers/Greeters
– Worship Band or Choir
– Tech Teams
– Creative Design assistance
Look carefully as you fill out the form; some fields include dropdown menus with several options. Worship Arts Director Tim Peck will connect with you after you’ve completed the form and coordinate your joining out team soon! Thanks so much!

Questions? Email Tim Peck: tpeck@thomasvillefirstmethodist.com

Worship Arts Volunteer Interest Form

Personal Information

About Your Schedule

About Your Skills, Experiences, and Interests